Animatic for Dobra Kaloria.
Animation, SFX, and postproduction
Creative concepts: Cutthemustard and Change Serviceplan agencies
Illustrator: Michał Ogórek
Video explainer for Loyalty Point - provider of Smyk loyalty program Smyk&Spółka (Smyk and the Company).
Creative concept, production, animation, and postproduction.
Hala Koszyki - DOOH
Client: BlueCloud Agency / Loyalty Point
Animations and animated assets for BlockStamp - a cryptocurrency company.
Client: BlueCloud Agency / Loyalty Point
Animated explainers for Sodexo loyalty products - Vivabox and Cardpack
Animation and postproduction for Rukki - roof systems company
Animation for BPH TFI bank. Production was part of a wider advertising campaign.
Client: BlueCloud Agency / Loyalty Point